Wednesday, 17 June 2009

You fucking liars

... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.
- Tyler Durden, "Fight Club"

We have had to listen to so much continuous bullshit hand wringing about the looming “horror” of falling prices (I just hate it when things get more affordable, don’t you?) since the credit crisis hit, yet we are now into, wait for it, the 20th month of inflation being above the 2% target.

Can we hit a full two years of the Bank of England failing to do its job? It’s very possible.

It would seem, apparently, that they “overestimated” the deflation “threat”.

Yeah right.

Because they didn’t know that a 30% devaluation of the pound would be highly inflationary (don’t forget that while Britain is word class at churning out loads of chavs, estate agents and corrupt MPs it’s not so good at making useful stuff like tvs and washing machines which all need to be imported and a devaluation increases import prices).

They didn’t know that printing money raises prices higher than they otherwise would have been.

They didn’t know a massive fiscal deficit is inflationary.


They are a bunch of lying cheating spivs who are fucking honest savers up the ass with their cheap credit money printing WANK economic policy. And I’m sick of the Keynesian liars in the press and on TV supporting this disastrous monetary policy that punishes the one single group who are blameless in this crisis: prudent savers.

They want inflation. They love it. They know our economy is just a weak, pathetic ponzi scheme that an extended period of zero inflation or even falling prices will expose for all to see. And then the game will be up, and too many ordinary people might start to wonder who is really benefitting in this country from our constant toil at shit jobs we don't even like.


  1. 9/11 was a conspiracy formed to make rich richer and obviously the poor poorer. Why though, i mean was it really worth it BUSH. Is that golden fucken toilet of yours warming your tiny balls with the blood of innocent bi standards of your plan

  2. come get me bitches i live in monson mass come send a plane into my living room cause until that day i will never stop telling people your a stupid bitch
